What if I want to serve a mission before or during the program?
Please do not apply to the program if you plan to serve a mission after you have been accepted (but before you begin) the program. You will be required to reapply when you return or while on your mission.
If you decide to serve a mission, you should consider completing both semesters of the Junior year before you leave for 18 months. Students usually do better when they come back if they completed their entire junior year before they leave for a mission. However, we will hold a spot for you in the program if you have completed at least one semester.
If you are not sure if you are going to serve a mission, then apply to the program.
If you are serving your mission during the application semester, please do the following:
If possible, obtain the two letters of recommendation before you begin your mission. (This helps the recommenders remember you better.) The recommenders need to place them in a signed sealed envelope. These letters should be sent directly (either by you or the recommenders) to Dr. Bellini to be kept on file. On your application please write: “Dr. Bellini has my letters of recommendation”.
Before you leave, complete as much of the application as possible. Take it with you or leave it with your parents, sibling, etc.
Ask your Mission President for permission to finish and/or update the application on a preparation day.
You can either mail or have the family member/friend bring the application to us by the February 15th deadline.
Ask your Mission President for permission to do a telephone interview with the dietetics faculty on a preparation day if you are serving in the United States. If you are serving internationally, we will not require an interview. BYU will initiate the phone call. Please e-mail Dr. Sarah Bellini (sarah_bellini@byu.edu) the telephone number and to set up a time for the telephone interview.
Brigham Young University’s Didactic Program in Dietetics and Dietetic Internship are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics. They can be contacted at:
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190,Chicago, IL 60606-6995,(312) 899-0040 ext 5400https://www.eatrightpro.org/acend