Dietetic Practice Groups
Professional Organizations
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Utah Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Commission on Dietetic Regulation
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior
American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Student Dietetic Association
The Student Dietetic Association is a club designed for students currently enrolled in the professional sequence of the dietetics program. The club provides opportunities for dietetics students to develop leadership skills, have fun, and build lasting relationships with peers. Club leadership plans and hosts various events throughout the academic year including community service opportunities, dietitian guest speakers, and socials. Incoming students should watch for information about leadership roles (elected and appointed positions) and consider becoming involved! Please join our BYU Student Dietetic Association by contacting Dr. Nathan Stokes at
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Groups
Behavioral Health Nutrition (BHN) -
BHN Members are the most valued source of food and nutrition services for person with addictions, mental illness, developmental disabilities and eating disorders.
Clinical Nutrition Management (CNM) -
Managers who direct clinical nutrition programs across the continuum of care.
Diabetes Care and Education (DCE) -
Members involved in patient & professional education as well as research for the management of diabetes.
Dietetic Technicians in Practice (DTP) -
Members are advocates for dietetic technicians, registered as dietetics practitioners in providing quality client care.
Dietetics in Health Care Communities (DC-HCF) –
Practitioners typically employed under contract who provide nutrition consultation to acute and long-term-care facilities, home care companies, healthcare agencies, corrections, and the foodservice industry.
Dietitians in Business & Communications (DBC) –
Food & nutrition practitioners who work for or consult with corporations, businesses, & organizations, or who are self-employed or business owners.
Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM) –
Food and nutrition practitioners that promote the integration of conventional nutrition practices with evidence-based alternatives, including functional and integrative medicine and nutrition genomics.
Dietitians in Nutrition Support (DNS) –
Dietitians who integrate the science and practice of enteral and parenteral nutrition in order to provide appropriate nutrition support therapy to individuals encompassing adults, pediatrics, inpatients, outpatients, home care, transplantation and complex gastrointestinal disorders.
Food & Culinary Professionals (FCP) –
Members promote food education & culinary skills to enhance quality of life & health of public.
Healthy Aging (HA) –
Practitioners who provide & manage nutrition programs & services to older adults in a variety of settings.
Hunger & Environmental Nutrition (HEN) –
Members who lead the future in sustainable & accessible food and water systems using education, research, & action.
Management in Food & Nutrition Systems (MFNS) –
Food and nutrition care managers generally employed in healthcare institutions, universities, corrections, & other facilities.
Medical Nutrition Practice Group (MNPG) –
Practitioners who practice a wide range of Medical Nutrition Therapy across the continuum of care in a variety of settings.
Nutrition Education for the Public (NEP) –
Practitioners involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of nutrition education programs for target populations.
Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals (NEHP) –
Members involved in education & communication with physicians, nurses, dentists, & other health care professionals.
Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE) –
NE members shape the future of dietetics practice by pursuing innovative and creative ways of providing nutrition products and services to consumers, industry, media and business.
Oncology Nutrition (ON) –
Nutrition professionals involved in the care of patients with cancer, cancer prevention, & research.
Pediatric Nutrition (PNPG) –
Practitioners who provide nutrition services for the pediatric population in a wide variety of settings.
Public Health/Community Nutrition (PHCNPG) –
Nutrition professionals who work in partnership with healthcare providers, community leaders, and other key stakeholders to serve the public in a variety of roles and settings.
Renal Dietitians (RPG) –
Practitioners who provide medical nutrition services to chronic kidney disease patients in dialysis facilities, clinics, hospitals, university settings & private practice.
Research (RDPG) –
Members who conduct research in various areas to promote practice standards, health policy, & disease prevention.
School Nutrition Services (SNS) –
School food service directors, nutrition educators, and corporate dietitians working in the delivery of food service & nutrition education to children.
Sports, Cardiovascular & Wellness Nutrition (SCAN) –
Nutrition practitioners with expertise & skills in promoting the role of nutrition in physical performance, cardiovascular health, wellness, & disordered eating.
Vegetarian Nutrition (VN) –
Nutrition practitioners who focus on information & resources about plant-based diets.
Weight Management (WM) –
Practitioners who work in the prevention and treatment of overweight & obesity throughout the life cycle.
Women’s Health (WH) –
Practitioners addressing women’s nutrition care issues during the reproductive period through menopause.