What Can I Do with a Nutritional Science Degree?
Graduates with a BS in Nutritional Science find employment in:
- Major research centers
- Biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries
- Community nutrition programs
- Non-governmental organizations; and the fitness industry.
Specialized skills or training such as laboratory research experience, bilingual proficiency, journalism courses and experience, or service learning with local, national, or international community organizations make students more competitive for other specialized jobs, including:
- Food security advocacy groups (e.g. food banks, anti-poverty organizations)
- Health advocacy organizations (preventing osteoporosis, cancer, or heart disease)
- Trade groups for commodities (citrus fruits, vegetable growers)
- People working to increase food security (farmers' market organizers, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [formerly called food stamps] as educators or administrators).
Many graduates with a BS in Nutritional Science have furthered their education through:
- Graduate programs (e.g. MS, MPH, PhD), with some combining it with a Coordinated Master's Program in Dietetics.
- Medical School
- Dental School
- Schools of osteopathy, pharmacy, podiatry, optometry, physical therapy, and accredited physician assistant programs.
Most nutrition counseling services are provided by Registered Dietitians. Students interested in a career as a nutrition counselor should consider majoring in Dietetics or need to plan to complete a Coordinated Master’s Program in Dietetics after graduating from BYU.
The requirements for the Nutritional Science major or minor are described in the University Undergraduate Catalog

Lynette Johnson
BYU Careers & Experiential Learning https://careers.byu.edu/