Research on Food Storage
Norseth, AL. 1986. Storage of low-moisture foods: effect of storage temperature, time and oxygen level on consumer acceptability and nutrient content. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Park, LMA. 1987. Nutrient retention and sensory quality in low-moisture foods stored 42 to 60 months; effect of storage temperature, time and oxygen level. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Oesterle TS, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. July 2003. Quality and adequacy for long-term storage of dehydrated apple slices packaged in No. 10 cans
Beans and Legumes
Chapman JS, Jefferies LK, Pike OA. July 2007. Quality of hermetically packaged split peas during long-term storage
Curtis, H. 1991. The effect of soaking and pectin composition on the hardness of dried legumes (phaseolus Vulgaris). [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
He, F. 1986. Effects of cations, sucrose, aging and their interaction on texture of cooked great northern beans: (Phaseolus vulgaris). [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
He F, Purcell AE, Huber CS and Hess WM. 1989. Effects of calcium, sucrose, and aging on the texture of canned great northern beans (phaseolus-vulgaris l). Journal of Food Science 54(2): 315-318.
He FJ, Purcell AE, Huber CS and Hess WM. 1988. Fracturing of frozen thermally softened bean cells for electron-microscopy studies. Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique 10(1): 117-118.
Larson CM, Sloan AR, Ogden LV, Pike OA. Effects of long-term storage on quality of retail-packaged pinto beans
Bartholomew SR, Jefferies LK, Pike OA. July 2007. Quality of hermetically packaged dehydrated carrots during long-term storage.
Bingham ML, Pahulu HF, Ogden LV, Pike OA. June 2006. Quality of cornmeal stored long-term in a low oxygen atmosphere
Broderick S, Lloyd MA, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. July 2005. Quality of retail packaged whole egg powder during long-term storage
Gnadt TA, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. July 2003. Quality of dehydrated whole egg packaged for retail sale in No. 10 cans.
Brinkerhoff BE, Huber KC, Huber CS and Pike OA. 2002. Effect of antioxidants on cholesterol oxidation in spray-dried egg yolk during extended ambient storage. Journal of Food Science 67(8): 2857-2859.
Huber, KC. 1995. Antioxidant inhibition of cholesterol oxidation in a spray-dried food system during accelerated storage. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Huber KC, Pike OA and Huber CS. 1995. Antioxidant inhibition of cholesterol oxidation in a spray-dried food system during accelerated storage. Journal of Food Science 60(5): 909-&.
Rankin SA and Pike OA. 1993. Cholesterol autoxidation inhibition varies among several natural antioxidants in an aqueous model system. Journal of Food Science 58(3): 653-&.
Lloyd MA, Zou J, Farnsworth H, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. 2004. Quality at Time of Purchase of Dried Milk Products Commercially Packaged in Reduced Oxygen Atmosphere. J Dairy Sci 87:2337-2343.
Lloyd MA, Zou J, Ogden LV, Pike OA. 2004. Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Nonfat Dry Milk in Long-term Residential Storage. J Food Sci 69(8):S326-31.
Lloyd, MA. 2003. Sensory and nutritional quality of nonfat dry milk packaged for long-term storage. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Lloyd MA, Ogden LV, Pike. OA. July 2003. Quality of hermetically packaged nonfat dry milk in long-term storage.
Lloyd MA, Zou J, Farnsworth H, and Pike OA. June 2002. Quality of dried milk products packaged for long-term storage
Bishop, TD. 1993. Fortified 2% milk exposed to fluorescent light: a comparison of consumer acceptability and rate of vitamin A loss. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Bartholomew BP and Ogden LV. 1990. Effect of emulsifiers and fortification methods on light-stability of vitamin-A in milk. Journal of Dairy Science 73(6): 1485-1488.
Bartholomew, BP. 1988. Stability of vitamin A added to lowfat milk. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
McEwan MB, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. July 2003. Effects of long-term storage on quality of regular and quick rolled oats
Fats and Oils
Coppin, EA. 1996. Correlation of oil stability index with sensory determination of light- and metal-catalyzed soybean oil oxidation. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Broadbent, CJ. 1998. Relationship between oil stability index and shelf life of canola oil under the accelerated condition of 60 C storage. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Broadbent CJ and Pike OA. 2003. Oil stability index correlated with sensory determination of oxidative stability in canola oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 80(1): 59-63.
Coppin EA and Pike OA. 2001. Oil stability index correlated with sensory determination of oxidative stability in light-exposed soybean oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 78(1): 13-18.
Farnsworth H, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. July 2003. Quality of dehydrated mashed potatoes retail packaged in No. 10 cans
Neilson AP, Farnsworth H, Ogden LV and Pike OA. July 2004. Quality of dehydrated potato flakes in long-term storage
Pate, RN. 2002. The nutritional composition and palatability of Bolivian quinoa cultiavars (surumi, patacamaya, sayana, chucapaca, and real) and their effect on lactation and growth of improved Andean guinea pigs. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Wright KH, Huber KC, Fairbanks DJ and Huber CS. 2002. Isolation and characterization of atriplex hortensis and sweet chenopodium quinoa starches. Cereal Chemistry 79(5): 715-719.
Wright KH, Pike OA, Fairbanks DJ and Huber CS. 2002. Composition of atriplex hortensis, sweet and bitter chenopodium quinoa seeds. Journal of Food Science 67(4): 1383-1385.
Wright, KH. 2001. Compositional and functional comparison of atriplex hortensis, sweet, and bitter chenopodium quinoa. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Halling MB, Van Noy ND, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. July 2003. Quality of white rice retail packaged in No. 10 cans for long-term storage
Coons L, Halling M, Lloyd MA, Ogden LV and Pike OA. July 2004. Quality of regular and parboiled rice in long-term storage
Green R, Rose DJ, Ogden LV, and Pike OA. July 2005. Effects of long-term storage on quality of retail packaged wheat
Dickey NM, Rose DJ, Ogden LV and Pike OA. July 2004. Effects of long-term storage on wheat flour packaged in a low oxygen atmosphere
Myers, Scott W. 1991 The effects of packaging gas, temperature and storage time on germination, loaf volume and protein solubility of wheat. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Mayfield, RA. 1982. Phytic acid reduction in whole wheat flour doughs by pH adjustment or with sprouted wheat addition. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Witmer, JO. 1981. The bioavailability of zinc in whole wheat. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Cleamons, VM. 1984. Evaluation of methods for reducing phytic acid in whole wheat doughs. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Franz, KB. 1968. The effect of long-term storage of wheat flours on thiamine content and baking properties. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Barber, TC. 1993. Temperature, time, and packaging gas affect quality of hermetically stored wheat. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Lloyd MA, Ogden LV, Pike OA. 2001. Consumer acceptance comparison of stored and fresh dehydrated foods. Technical Report submitted to LDS Welfare Services.
Lloyd MA, Ogden LV, Pike OA, Utley R. Effect of long-term storage on baking powder functionality
Thermal Processing
Vega, AR. 1989. Nutrient retention in fruits, vegetables or meat combination foods as a function of process method, and storage temperature or time. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Dávila, R. 1985. Nutrient retention with BHA after storage in food systems heat-processed in cans and pouches. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Eliason, DJ. 1979. Quality characteristics of canned food: a comparison of commercially and experimentally packed peaches, pears, green beans, and whole kernel corn. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Shelley, RA. 1978. Solar drying of foods: effects of drying and treatment method on vitamin retention. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah. Part 1
Rowe JP, Sloan AR, and Steele FM. July 2004. Long-term preservation of cassava, taro, and breadfruit by solar-drying in the Pacific Islands area.
Food Storage Practices
Ormsby, PM. 1978. Evaluation of a food storage education program in Guatemala. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Roberts, CJ. 1977. Perceived attributes related to adoption of food storage. [MSc. Thesis]. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Available from Harold B. Lee Library, Provo, Utah.
Lloyd MA, Pike OA. 2000. Practicality of foil laminate bags to store dry corn and beans in Kenya. Technical Report submitted to LDS Welfare Services.
Purcell AE, Barber TC, Johnson JH. 1993. Use of oxygen absorbers in dry-pack canning. Technical Report submitted to LDS Welfare Services.
Broderick S, Lloyd MA, Ogden LV, Pike OA. 2010. Feasibility of re-using PETE soda bottles to exclude oxygen during storage of low moisture foods. Technical Report submitted to LDS Welfare Services.
Ogden LV, Griffin C. 2010. Can Grain Be Disinfested In 5-Gal HDPE Buckets Containing Oxygen Absorber Packets?Technical Report submitted to LDS Welfare Services.