Islet Dispersal
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- Wash islets in PBS
- Pick islets into eppendorf with 1ml PBS and spin at 1000rpm for 2 min at room temp. Aspirate supernatant.
- Trypsinize
- Add 200ul o.25% trypsin/EDTA and place in 37C waterbath for 5 min
- Spin tubes (1000rpm, 2 min, room temp) and DECANT supernatant.
- Warning: If you use a pipette tip, you will lose the cell pellet.
- Wash off trypsin
- Add 750ul sterile PBS and spin 3 min.
- DECANT supernatant
- Plate cells
- Resuspend cells in complete media
- Use # wells per tube multiplied be 50ul (i.e. resuspend in 200ul for 4 wells)
- GENTLY triturate until pellet is broken up
- Warning: Be gentle, otherwise the cells will look sick the next day.
- Put drops of 50ul into 24 well plate OR 12 well plate with 12mm glass coverslips for staining.
- Incubate 37C
- Culture
- After 1-2 hours, add 1ml complete media gently to the side of each well.